Wisconsin Jobs & Energy Coalition
A coalition of Wisconsinites working together to ensure safe, affordable, and reliable energy while creating jobs and generating economic growth in Wisconsin.

When it comes to the economy and our environment, Wisconsin doesn’t have to choose. We can power a strong economy and have a clean, safe, and healthy environment. The Wisconsin Jobs & Energy Coalition supports commonsense initiatives and sensible efforts that deliver safe, affordable, and reliable energy while creating jobs and generating economic growth that benefits everyone.



What’s At Stake
Line 5 is a vital link to propane and other energy supplies in Wisconsin and across the upper Midwest playing a vital role in ensuring North American energy security by helping to heat homes, schools, businesses, and power vehicles.

In response to legal action taken by the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians, a potential reroute of a 12-mile segment has been proposed. The construction of the proposed 42-mile reroute around the reservation would not only strengthen our economy and power our way of life, it will give a boost to job growth in northern Wisconsin during these difficult and uncertain times.
At a time when we need it most, the Line 5 reroute project could create more than 700 construction jobs and provide millions of dollars in tax revenues that our communities rely on now more than ever. It would be the economic boost we need.
Just as importantly, it would safely transport energy supplies while preserving and protecting our environment and keeping our communities healthy and vibrant.